Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Birthday! Colby is 8 & Abigail is 6

My two oldest had their birthdays last week. Hard to believe they are now 8 & 6!!

I was looking back at pictures from their past birthdays & compiled them all together. I took a picture of the sheets (but they're not in order because they were next to each other :-))
I took them for their well visit yesterday & they are both 50% for their weight & 90% for their height!
Thankfully they are both still ok with having their parties together & having them in our backyard. I was thankful this year the weather cooperated and was nice and hot for swimming.
Here's Colby doing a lovely dive! Abigail throwing balls!
Isaiah playing with a friend.
Isaiah playing with one of Colby's friend's little sister.
Lots of friends playing!
My beautiful 6 year old!
Playing with Uncle John!
Loving on Uncle John

Water balloon fun (thanks to great-aunt Teresa)
Such cute birthday kids, waiting for cake!
Opening presents...
Most of the kids gathered on the island for a few pictures - then all the parents threw water balloons!
Abigail & Jack
Isaiah & cousin Ross building with Magnetix.
Jacob & great-Aunt Teri!

It was a great party - with about 60 people - family, friends and family of friends! Both are doing great starting 2nd grade & Kindergarten. It's just hard to believe how big each of them has gotten. My precious first two children. I love you both.

Jacob's 3 month joyful pictures

"The Lord, your God,
is in your midst,
a mighty Savior;
He will rejoice over you
with gladness,
and renew you in his love,
He will sing joyfully
because of you."
Zephaniah 3:17

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Jacob is 3 months!

Jacob is 3 months old today!
He's wearing size 1 diapers & size 0-3 month clothes
He started laughing last week & has lots of tickle spots!
He eats 6 times a day & is consistently sleeping through the night!
He usually sleeps 10pm-7am!
Jacob is such a sweet blessing in our lives. His brothers & sister still enjoy holding him most every day. The house is a lot quieter without the older kids here, and it's amazing how Jacob's napping length has increased. :-)
He's going to go on his first plane ride tomorrow with me to visit Aunt Lisa. Hopefully he'll sleep through the flight!