This has been a week of unexpected milestones.
The first happened with my daughter Abigail in the area of swimming. Looking back with Colby, he was able to swim decently the summer before turning 4. I now know this was exceptional, but hoped for Abigail the same development. Well, last summer came and went and she refused to ever put her head under the water.
At the beginning of this summer I promised her a ToysRUs trip when she was able to swim from the island in the middle of our pool to the steps. (This is what I remember Colby being able to do before turning 4.) As June and most of July this year went by I really thought this goal would never be attained. But, thankfully through our last few weeks of swimming lessons, she can finally do it! Yeah for my almost 5 year old!!! Yesterday she actually jumped off of our diving board and swam to the steps - over & over! So, we took the trip to ToysRUs and now have a mermaid Barbie.
The second milestone we are quickly approaching is Isaiah being fully potty-trained! Very exciting! Since April he has been going in the potty for #2, which is a wonderful thing not changing dirty diapers. So, I haven't been too worried about fully pottytraining him because it's been so easy to just have him change his pull-ups. I decided to try to work on it this past week while Colby was visiting my dad. The first few days went great, then no interest the next few. So, I decided to just wait until another time. Then, Friday afternoon he decided he only wanted to wear underwear & no pullups! So, since then he's been doing great with not too many reminders. Hopefully this continues and he will be completely pottytrained soon. He is now 2 years and 7 months, which will make for the youngest pottytrainer of my 3 yet!
The post wouldn't be complete without mentioning a 3rd happening with my oldest. Colby went to my dad's house in Las Vegas, NV this past Monday and returned yesterday afternoon. This would qualify as the longest time he's been away from me since he was 11 months old when I went on a trip to Ireland. I really missed him! When we were at the airport last night waiting for him to get off of the plane, my stomach was so nervous waiting to see him. When he finally walked up I had to hold back my tears. I know he had an amazing time bonding with his grandparents and aunt and I'm so glad he got the opportunity to go! But, I'm very glad to have him back. He can't stop talking about all of the fun activities he got to do: 4-wheeling, magic show, swimming, golfing, watching G-Force, bowling, going to the M&M store, and so much more! It was nice back at home to only have 2 precious kids in my care. I was able to have alone time with each of them, which was very special!
So, now we are counting down to school starting - 18 days to go. We have a lot of swimming and relaxing to do.