Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Months

It's amazing a month has already passed since I blogged last! Jacob is 6 weeks old today. That's hard to believe! It's gone so quickly!

So, here's a catch up in pictures:

My sweet sister, Lisa, took Colby with her to Austin for a visit in the middle of June. He had an amazing time swimming, snorkeling, canoeing, playing in fountains, looking at the bats, going to Toy Story 3, eating sushi, putt-putt golf, and the list goes on - all in 3 1/2 days!
Abigail is quite the little mother. She greatly enjoys holding Jacob every day, many times. I discovered that grounding her from being able to hold Jacob is quite a "good" punishment for her. I've only done it once, but she was crying saying, please take something else away from me! So that tells me it was the perfect consequence!
My momma & Jacob - after going through our 1st 2 weeks of pictures of Jacob, we discovered she was only in 1 picture with him! So, we quickly made up time and there's plenty of pics now!
Father's Day present opening: My mom helped me make a precious tie for Dan with the handprints of the 3 older kids & Jacob's footprint. It's quite precious!

Jacob's umbilical cord stump and his circumcision ring finally fell off when he was 3 weeks old. So, he got to have his 1st "real" bath. Colby was able to snap a screaming shot for me! Since then he has come to enjoy the bath a bit more. There's the initial shock when he gets in, but then he quickly calms down, thankfully.
#1 & #4
Isaiah played t-ball with a few of his friends this year for the first time in an organized sport. It was a nice 5 week season, so short & sweet. I was able to watch a few games, since it was right around when Jacob was born.

The little mama again
Precious boys

My dear mother is obsessed with getting a good "foot" picture of my kids. So, here is our latest trial. Pretty cute!

Aunt Lisa, Abby (being a stinker) & Isaiah

You've got to catch those loving moments! Abigail is sporting her new outfit from Aunt Lisa - so cute!
I'm starting to put Jacob down for some tummy time. He tolerates it pretty well so far!
We will go for his 2 month checkup in just a few weeks. I think he has grown in length for sure and put on some weight. It will be interesting to see how big he is! Just this week he's outgrowing the Newborn size diapers. His schedule lately is pretty nice - I feed him before I go to bed around 10pm. Then, he sleeps until about 4am, then after feeding him he sleeps until 6 or 7. Pretty good for a 6 week old!

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